So I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant and have full style ugly cried every day for the last week, I've been feeling down for a month or so now and initially felt super bad about it because I'm so lucky to be carrying a little growing bundle of joy inside me. But recently it clicked, I'm definitely allowed to be sad and here's why.
1. Your life is about to change in a way you can't predict
Be it your first, second, fifth or tenth child, at some point within the next 9 months your life is going to change in probably the biggest way it ever has, and that's scary. Suddenly you become aware that soon, your life is not going to be about you any more and your whole world is going to revolve around raising and protecting this little person that you made yourself. Personally, I think that's terrifying.
2. Your body is constantly changing
Something that fit perfectly and looked amazing yesterday might not fit tomorrow which is super frustrating when you finally find an outfit that you feel and look good in. Your favourite jeans don't fit anymore and you look kinda weird in your pre-pregnancy clothes. Also, as humans it's been drilled in to our minds for years that our bodies need to be a certain level of perfection to be deemed acceptable, and now we're wider, bigger and stretch markeir than before. Of course we're thrilled to be making a human, but the toll that it's taking on our bodies is not fun. When society is telling you that you need to be thinner but you now have no control over the fact that you just keep getting bigger, it's hard.
3. Your hormones are going insane
To be fair, you are literally making another human within your own body and because of that, uncontrollable hormone changes are taking place, it doesn't seem fair and to be honest it's not fair. But it doesn't last forever, soon you'll have something shiny and new to constantly worry and get emotional about.
4. You can't do things anymore
Rollarcoasters, drinking, sleeping on your front, smoking and going on nights out are all things of the past now. Again, this isn't something that lasts forever but it definitely is frustrating during pregnancy. Not being able to take certain medication for something as simple as the flu or back pain. Missing out on family trips to theme parks because you're not allowed on rides. All this stuff is just teaching us how to make sacrifices for when our little one is here. But that doesn't make it any less annoying while you're pregnant.
5. Pregnancy Symptoms
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that being pregnant is hard, but for any non-baby-makers, BEING PREGNANT IS HARD. Pregnancy symptoms change week by week and sometimes the symptoms are awful. Lack of sleep, acne, morning (all day, every day) sickness, constipation, general feelings of discomfort and so on - and that's just if you don't develop any pregnancy conditions like Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction. Your body hurts a lot, there's weird things going on inside and out and sometimes it just gets overwhelming! As well as the fact you're stressing about baby's health and if you skip past a symptom and manage to avoid something like morning sickness, you then worry about why you didn't have it! There's no winning, and it sucks.
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