Friday, 16 September 2016

Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction

So today I went to my GP to discuss a real pain that I've been having in my pubic bone region as well as my lower back and hips that's been an issue for a couple of weeks. The doctor I saw was absolutely lovely and had me jump on the metal bed thingy so that she could feel my hips and check the mobility in my legs, my right leg was fine but my left leg just kept jarring and would not play ball at all (as well as being crazy painful!).
She then - with very little warning - jabbed me right in the pelvis just on my pubic bone with some real force! It was such a surprise and so painful that I really could have just jabbed her back, right in the eye!
She then told me that she was a little concerned about the amount of pain and how tight my hips feel and diagnosed me with SPD (Symphysis Pubic Disorder) which should go away straight after I give birth to little one but will most likely be pretty severely painful for the remaining months of my pregnancy.
SPD is a problem with my pelvis that means that through pregnancy, the bones and ligaments that join at my pelvis are getting less stable. This also happened because for some reason my hips aren't getting wider whilst baby is getting bigger which poses no problem to baby but for me my body is finding it difficult to adapt to being pregnant and is intent on staying the same size as my pre-pregnant frame.
Annoyingly there's nothing that the docs can prescribe me as codeine would be too harsh on baby and paracetamol doesn't even touch the pain so my only real option is physiotherapy and a support belt to try and hold the bones and ligaments together until baby is here and the pain goes away!
I've also gotten myself a V pillow:
Which I have genuinely found is a godsend as crossing my legs is one of the things that slightly alleviates the pain so if I put the pillow between my legs and cross them over it it makes it a lot easier to sleep.
That and bouncing one leg up and down quickly helps to make sure that my leg doesn't cease up at the hip which is really painful and super inconvenient when I'm at work or trying to get out of bed!
Other than that, a hot water bottle and paracetamol helps alleviate some of the pain and for me I also find sitting cross-legged useful. And a cup of tea.

Luckily this is something that from what I can gather should go away straight after I've had him so only 4 1/2 months left of this!!

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