Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Pre Term Labour

So I've had a whirlwind of a week and I felt I was better documenting it as I would like to remember what happened, so as a chronological run down;

December 6th;
At about 3pm I started feeling extreme tightenings at work and I started leaking fluid so decided it was best to go to the hospital. I was immediately put through triage and given a bed where they monitored Zacky and tested my cervix to check if my waters had gone (negative) and tested if I was in early labour (positive). I was given an injection of a steroid called dexamethasone to strengthen his lungs and given my first and second dose of nifedipene to try and stop the contractions. I was admitted overnight.

December 7th;
Was given my second and final dose of dexamethasone, my third dose of nifedipene and Zacky was monitored for 3-4 hours throughout the day. Still having the contractions, was given codeine and paracetamol for the pain. Was sent for a scan which showed that he had enough fluid & weighed around 2lb11. On the way back from the scan my hind waters went (the waters under Zackys head) so was prepped for delivery however after investigation it became clear that Zacky had enough fluid to continue inside me as long as my cervix stayed closed. Was given oramorph to help with the pain.

December 8th;
Was given final dose of nifedipene to try and stop contractions which didn't work but cervix was checked & was still closed, was given codeine and paracetamol for the pain & Zacky was monitored again, his heart rate and movements were still perfect and my cervix was still closed so I was allowed to go home with 1 week sick note, supply of painkillers and follow up appointments.
At home;
Still having contractions every 15 or so minutes which is very painful and tiring, going to continue to have follow up appointments starting December 13th and am making sure to have lots of rest.

Signs to look out for at home (go straight to triage);
Any mucus/discharge that is at all out of the ordinary
Any increase in intensity of pain or contractions getting closer together
Rest of waters breaking
Increase in back pain
Any vaginal bleeding